cleanup service

Professional cleaning products a blood spill cleanup service uses for cleaning carpets


Professional cleaning products a blood spill cleanup service uses for cleaning carpets

Experts in blood spill cleanup service proper using only professional cleaning products of high quality to do their work properly.  Since blood spill cleanup service involves cleaning various surfaces ranging from marble to plastic, there must be different products that serve different purposes – disinfection, odor removal, or blood spill removal. The following cleaning products for cleaning carpets are the most popular ones with a professional blood spill cleanup service.

Grass Carpet Cleaner

This is an excellent product for carpets and fabrics. It can also be used to remove blood and dirt from upholstered furniture. In its concentrated form, Grass Carpet Cleaner perfectly removes even old stains of grease, soil, blood, and drinks, while it eliminates strong unpleasant odors.

The composition includes purified water, surfactant, EDTA salt, sodium hydroxide.


highly efficient;

foams well;

does not leave stains;

has a pleasant smell;

is suitable for removal even of strong and old pollution;

Novatec Low Foam Cleaner

High-quality low-foam composition that is suitable for all types of carpets and perfectly removes even difficult dirt. Blood spill cleanup service staff can remove stains and blood spills both manually and with a washing vacuum cleaner. One of the biggest advantages of this product is that it doesn’t damage the surfaces. It dissolves quickly in water.


pleasant aroma;

easily removed from the surfaces;

quickly dissolves in water;

suitable even for daily use;

does not harm the carpets;

suitable for all types of pollution, including blood.

Shine Systems Carpet Cleaner

High-quality product for dry cleaning of carpets both in the car and at home. This product perfectly copes with general pollution and even old bloodstains. Since foaming is moderate, no defoamers are required and the composition is easily removed from the surface.

The composition includes several types of surfactants, water and complexing agents. The product can be diluted with water or used concentrated.


has an affordable price;

makes moderate foam;

copes even with difficult pollution;

easily removed from the surface;

does not leave stains;

easy to use.

RUNWAY Cleaner

When choosing a carpet cleaner, you should pay attention to RUNWAY Cleaner. It differs from others because it comes with a unique lid with a built-in brush. Thanks to this brush, blood spill cleanup service cleanerscan clean the carpet from the blood quickly and effectively. It also allows you to economically spend the composition.

The composition does not contain aggressive substances – it includes surfactants, water, sodium hydroxide.


convenient bottle with a brush;

easy to apply;

economical consumption;

suitable for all types of carpets;

has nice smell.

SONAX Foam Carpet Cleaner

One of Sonax’s carpet cleaners can help cleaners providing blood spill cleanup service remove even stubborn and stubborn stains from all types of carpets. Thanks to its use, the color of the carpets is restored, and it looks like new. There are no stains after use, and the remaining foam is removed with just a few movements.

suitable for all types of carpets;

refreshes the appearance of the coating;

means does not damage an upholstery;

deletes even strong pollution;

eliminates unpleasant smells;

can be used for manual or machine cleaning with a vacuum cleaner;

leaves no stains.

Remember only the use of professional cleaning products can give the desired effect while cleaning carpets from blood spills.

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